
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Red meat harmful effects

Saturated fat? Cholesterol? Sure, red meat has plenty of those, but it also contains a compound that toys with gut bacteria and can lead to clogged arteries.

When it comes to explaining exactly why steaks and hamburgers and other red meats can be so harmful to the heart, the saturated fat that the body breaks down and sequesters in blood vessel walls where they can form dangerous plaques is an easy and obvious culprit. But the high rates of heart disease in the developed world suggest that these fats may not be working alone, say a group of researchers from the Cleveland Clinic who study how microbes and bacteria in our gut influence heart disease.
Our gut is full of bacteria — good strains that don’t cause disease — and recent studies show that these microbes can have a significant impact on our health, affecting our propensity for obesity, asthma, inflammatory diseases and even cancer. Not surprisingly, what we eat can influence which populations of bacteria are more common at any given time, so the researchers of the new study, published in the journal Nature Medicine, focused on how these gut microbes responded to a diet that included meat. Specifically, they looked at a compound called carnitine, which is abundant in meats like beef, lamb, duck and pork, but is also a popular dietary supplement in energy drinks.
In previous work on mice, the scientists found that gut bacteria can transform choline, a vitamin-B-group nutrient, from the diet into a compound called trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) that transports cholesterol to arteries where it forms potentially heart-stopping plaques. Carnitine, it turns out, is structurally similar to choline, so the researchers set out to document whether carnitine is metabolized by human gut bacteria in a similar way to gum up heart vessels and cause atherosclerosis.
They Are What You Eat

To better understand the relationship between carnitine and TMAO, the researchers conducted a series of experiments with meat eaters and a vegan willing to consume meat for the sake of the study. In the first phase, they documented the boost in TMAO produced after the meat-eating volunteers ate an 8-oz. steak and downed a capsule that would attach to and label the carnitine for easy detection. Consuming high amounts of carnitine from the steak was only associated with a higher level of TMAO in the blood of the five meat eaters, however, and not in the vegan who hadn’t consumed meat in at least a year. That suggests that eating meat can promote larger numbers of bacteria that break down carnitine into TMAO, thus generating more heart-harming cholesterol and establishing a cycle of damage to the heart.
This was confirmed when the researchers then looked at the levels of TMAO and carnitine in the blood of 2,595 patients undergoing heart-disease evaluations who were either omnivores, vegans or vegetarians. Meat eaters tended to harbor higher levels of carnitine and had a higher risk of heart disease, stroke or heart attack compared with the vegans or vegetarians. The bacteria in the gut, then, are heavily influenced by long-term-diet patterns, adding another layer to the understanding of how food can affect our risk for developing certain diseases. “A diet high in carnitine actually shifts our gut microbe composition to those that like carnitine, making meat eaters even more susceptible to forming TMAO and its artery-clogging effects. Meanwhile, vegans and vegetarians have a significantly reduced capacity to synthesize TMAO from carnitine, which may explain the cardiovascular health benefits of these diets,
Fat in Red Meat and Butter May Hurt Your Brain
In fact, when the meat eaters were given antibiotics for a week to cull some of the intestinal bacteria, levels of TMAO dropped significantly. That finding hints that it may be possible to control some of the heart-harming effects of red meat by suppressing certain populations of bacteria in the gut, although more studies need to be done to confirm exactly which bacterial populations are responsible for breaking down carnitine, and how direct the association between carnitine and TMAO is.
And then there are questions about carnitine supplements. Some energy drinks contain the compound, which is often added to rev up metabolism and increase energy, but if it also promotes the growth of bacteria that contribute to atherosclerosis, then people consuming energy drinks may not be aware that these products may be associated with an increased risk of heart disease.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Rabbit: A Great Meat Animal for Small Homesteads

Whether your homestead is in the city or the country, meat rabbits can help you feed your family with lean, nutritious meat. Rabbits breed and grow so quickly that one pair of healthy does (females) can produce more than 600 pounds of meat in a year. Compare that to the dressed yield of 400 pounds for an average year-old beef steer. Rabbits also use feed more efficiently than cows do: According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a rabbit needs 4 pounds of feed to make 1 pound of meat. In comparison, beef cattle need 7 pounds of feed or more to create 1 pound of meat, reports Michigan State University’s Department of Animal Science.
Archaeologists have found proof that the Romans raised meat rabbits 2,000 years ago, so people have known for centuries that rabbit meat is delicious. Today, we know that it’s also an excellent source of protein, has less cholesterol and fat than chicken, beef, lamb or pork, and that it has an almost ideal fatty acid ratio of 4:1 omega-6 to beneficial omega-3 fatty acids (see The Fats You Need for a Healthy Diet to learn more).
Rabbits are clean and quiet, so they won’t trouble your neighbors. Their manure can enrich your garden without composting — it’s not “hot,” so it can go directly into the garden, where it will provide lots of nitrogen and phosphorus and help build soil. Or let the rabbits’ manure fall into worm beds;.
Before you rush out and buy your rabbits, you need to figure out where you’re going to keep them. Each rabbit needs its own cage, so for the breeding trio of a buck and two does you’ll need three cages. (See our diagram of a homemade rabbit cage.) The cages should be protected from predators and the weather — in a garage or outbuilding, for example.
For meat rabbits, each cage should be about 3 feet square and 2 feet high to give the animals plenty of room to move around. The best material for cages is double-galvanized 14-gauge welded wire. Chicken wire is too flimsy. Use 1-inch square or 1-by-1-1⁄2-inch wire on the bottoms to prevent sore feet and to let droppings fall through. Plan to run some extra wire up the sides to prevent babies from falling out of the does’ pens. Hinge the cage doors so they swing inward, so your rabbits can’t accidentally push them open. Mount the cages 3 to 4 feet off the ground, to make working with the animals easier and to help protect them from predators such as dogs, snakes and coyotes.

The Health Benefits of Pears

Pears provide a very good source of fiber and are also a good source of vitamin B2, C, E, copper, and potassium. They also contain a significant amount of pectin, which is a water soluble fiber.

Pears are actually higher in pectin than apples. This makes them effective in helping to lower cholesterol levels and in toning the intestines. They are often recommended by health care practitioners as a hypoallergenic fruit that is high in fiber. They are less likely to produce an adverse response than other fruits. Pears are often recommended as a safe fruit to introduce to infants. Pears are an extraordinary source of dietary fiber when the skin is eaten along with the flesh. Pears are also an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin E, both powerful antioxidants and essential nutrients.

Pears are often recommended as a hypo-allergenic fruit that is high in fiber but less likely to produce adverse reactions. Pear juice is safe to be introduced to infants as they are mild, yet healthful.

Blood pressure: Pears have anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogen glutathione which help prevent high blood pressure and stroke.
  • Blood pressure: Pears have anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogen glutathione which help prevent high blood pressure and stroke.
  • Cancer prevention: The high vitamin C and copper content act as good anti-oxidants that protect cells from damages by free radicals.
  • Cholesterol: The high content of pectin in pears make it very useful in helping to lower cholesterol levels.
  • Colon health: When not juicing, eat the pear whole for its precious fiber that are highly beneficial for your colon health.
  • Constipation: The pectin in pears is diuretic and have a mild laxative effect. Drinking pear juice regularly helps regulate bowel movements.
  • Energy: You can get quick and natural source of energy from pear juice, due largely to its high amounts of fructose and glucose.
  • Fever: The cooling effect in pear is excellent in relieving fever. Best way to bring a fever down quickly is by drinking a big glass of pear juice.
  • Immune booster: The anti-oxidant nutrients in pears are critical in building up your immune system. Drink pear juice when you feel a cold coming.
  • Inflammation: Pear juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps relieve sufferers of much pain in various inflammatory conditions.
  • Osteoporosis: Pears contain high level of boron. Boron helps the body to retain calcium, thus prevents or retards osteoporosis.
  • Pregnancy: The high content of folate (folic acid) prevents neural tube defects in infants.
  • Shortness of breath: The summer heat may cause children to have shortness of breath with excessive phlegm. Drink pear juice during this period to help clear the phlegm.
  • Throat problem: The pears are in season during the summer for a reason. Drinking pear juice every morning and night helps to cool your body down during this time. It nourishes the throat and helps prevent throat problems.
  • Vocal chord: Boil two Chinese pear juice with some raw honey and drink warm. This is extremely healing for the throat and the vocal cord.
  • Fiber: Pears are an excellent source of natural dietary fiber. One pear will give you 24% of your recommended daily allowance of fiber. Fiber contains no calories, and is a necessary element of a healthy diet as it helps sustain blood sugar levels and promotes regularity.
Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that binds to fatty substances in the digestive tract and promotes their elimination. This seems to help lower blood cholesterol levels. Soluble fiber also helps regulate the body's use of sugars.

Studies indicate that diets high in fiber may reduce the risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer.

How do pears rank on the Glycemic Index?

Pears have 26 net grams of carbs. The carbohydrates in a pear are low on the glycemic index and have a low glycemic load. This basically means that the carbs in pears are slow to convert to sugar and enter the bloodstream. Pears are a good choice for getting healthy carbs.

Vitamin C:

Fresh pears are a good source for Vitamin C. One fresh pear contains 10% of the RDA for Vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid).

Vitamin C is an essential antioxidant for normal metabolism and tissue repair, and helps prevent free radical damage (destructive by-products of the body's metabolic process). Vitamin C promotes healing of cuts and bruises and helps guard against a number of infectious diseases.


Fresh pears offer 5% of the recommended daily allowance (190 mg of potassium) per serving

10 Most Pleasant Sounds For Human

Did you know that the second sound is sure to change your mood for the day? To take advantage of this remarkable property of sounds, you need to know the most fascinating of them.
Especially for you we have compiled a list of the most enjoyable out of 10 sounds to the human ear ...

Number 1. Patter of rain on the roof of the house.
Well, the rain does not stop immediately and we can enjoy plenty of his rapping. Tenth place is deservedly took the wood outdoor recreation.
Number 2
Number 2. The crunch of snow
Find not trampled and fresh, crisp snow in the city is not easy enough, but when it works - it's time to relax, especially good for romantic dates. Of course, it is better to walk in the snow at night, so you can hear the crunch of a lot better. Winter is only once a year, but then in the summer there is something worth listening to.

Number 3. Surf
Lucky for those who live in the city by the sea. Residents of these cities spend at sea a long time, and summer and winter. Rote lasts forever ...

Number 4 .Crackling logs
And it can be combined. Spend an evening at the sea, a fire - and then you can enjoy and surf, and the sound of crackling wood. However, this is only the summer entertainment, but it leaves such a strong impression that they have enough for the whole year.

Number 5. Babbling brook
In the city to catch the murmur of pleasure from the sounds of the creek hard. Perhaps many urban residents have not heard this sound ever, so for them there is one more reason to go on vacation somewhere in nature.

Number 6. Laughter
Laughter prolongs life, and with it, creating a joyful, good humor and not just someone who is laughing, and everyone else who just enjoys this mood.

Number 7. Rain fills the trough
Once again, the sound of falling rain, but this time in a different context. On the Internet you can find a lot of creative work associated with exactly this situation - rain contributes to the romantic mood.

Number 8. Cat purring
Cats - cute and unpredictable, almost any girl would ever again, so call himself a cat. While I know and men, which will please the nickname "Cat". According to polls, purring cats took third place.

Number 9. Birds singing in the morning

One of the most enjoyable alarms. And if in the morning when you wake up next to you and still purring cat - it's just a heavenly pleasure.

Number 10. The sound of water.
Drink only pure water - so you will doubly increase your enjoyment! Honorable first place went to the pleasant gurgle of water or tea, filling the cup. This is one of the most pleasant sounds to the human ear

Saturday, December 07, 2013

Why is it beneficial for men to have facial and chest hair?

If you look at some of our relatives, we primates are a fairly hairy bunch.
Primates tend to have all sorts of interesting facial and sometimes even shoulder hair, so humans are not odd in this regard
In fact, Gibbins suspects it wasn't that long ago that we sported a pretty impressive fur coat of our own. The evidence for this comes from goosebumps.
But evolution is usually pretty prompt at getting rid of features we don't need, says Gibbins, so the reason men still have facial and chest hair is more likely due to sexual selection.
At some stage while we were losing our excess body hair either women found hairy men more attractive, or men preferred non-hairy women.
"The usual argument,is that [sexual selection] is some sort of surrogate for your overall fitness."
"So if you're a good enough feeder or hunter or breeder, or whatever it is, to have enough energy in reserve to make some flashy show then it means you're probably ahead of the pack."
Basically if you're a very hairy man and hairy men are in, you get the girls.
However there are some caveats to this argument.
Firstly, hairiness can vary quite dramatically between different ethnic groups, so to make general statements about male hairiness is fairly difficult. For example, men from a Mediterranean background generally have darker and thicker hair, whereas men of Asian descent often don't have much facial hair at all, says Gibbons.
Secondly, men and women have approximately the same number of hair follicles, what differs is the coarseness of the hairs.
We have two types of hair on our bodies: the coarse, usually pigmented terminal hair which includes our head hair, pubic hair and for men their facial and chest hair; and the finer, less visible vellus hair.
Hair growth and size is modulated by hormones, in particular androgens like testosterone, which kick in during puberty. As men generally have higher levels of testosterone than women they tend to have more terminal hair. Testosterone also increases the size of hair follicles on men's faces at puberty so that they begin to grow visible beards.
While the rise of the metrosexual have seen growing numbers of men shave, wax and laser their way to less facial and chest hair, Gibbins says don't expect a hair-free man to evolve anytime soon.
"Evolution is much too slow for that sort of quick cultural stuff," he says.
In fact, manscaping is more likely to subvert evolution than help it along.
"It's a classic example of cultural aspects completely overriding any evolutionary pressures," says Gibbins.
So the next time you're bemoaning your hairy partner don't call them a Neanderthal, just pack them off to the beautician's instead

How to Be a Hairy Woman

Society puts a lot of pressure on women to be hairless. Underarm, leg and facial hair is considered socially unattractive in numerous cultures and yet forty percent of women experience the growth of facial hair, while the majority of women have body hair. The removal of hair by shaving has often been used as an act of humiliation in ancient cultures, during wartime and in modern day prison systems; this same sense of humiliation is fostered when certain media driven beauty ideals insist that hair be removed to reflect feminine beauty.

Having body hair is a sign of an adult body and proper sexual development. If you're a woman who likes keeping the hair that grows naturally on each part of your body, how do you deal with the fact that social preferences insist upon removal of your body and facial hair? Since smoothness is equated with a beauty standard, does it mean you're not beautiful if you're hairy? Of course not. What it does mean is that you've chosen to keep what grows naturally and it's a choice as valid as any decision to remove it, if not more so. As a sexually mature woman who desires to keep her natural hair intact, questioning the ideal of hair removal can be challenging but it's also rewarding when you fulfill your personal choice. This article seeks to help you work through your personal choice to keep the natural hair in place on your body or face.


  1. Think through the reasons behind hair removal. Removal of certain parts of body and facial hair that grows naturally on the female body is viewed by some cultures as a beauty essential. This societal conditioning in itself is not a reason for you to shave off your body or facial hair. Obviously, if you want to do so, then that is totally your right but so is choosing not to; what matters is that it is your choice and not something you feel compelled to do. Some things to consider include:
    • If the whole idea of keeping your body hair intact causes you to think "ew, gross", think again. Do you dislike the sight of your bodily hair or have you been conditioned to dislike it by societal pressure stating that it is not acceptable? This is a hard question to untangle but it's not one to back down from, especially if you find yourself spending a lot of time conforming to beauty ideals that impact your wallet, energies and self-esteem.
    • Shaving bodily hair does not equate to cleanliness. This is about conformity to a body or feminine ideal, not about being dirty. You are clean whether you have body hair or not, provided you shower or bathe regularly.
    • There is a large industry behind hair removal products. This is one fairly heavily marketed and socially condoned reason for obliging women to remove hair.

  2. Confront your worries about turning off potential partners. There are plenty of men who like women with body or facial hair. You may be assuming too much about men disliking it. Sure, some men have been conditioned to dislike it but there are plenty of men who find it erotic, beautiful or just plain normal. Indeed, maybe it's a good indicator of how a man perceives you as a person or as an object when you reveal your hairier self… What you may find is that it is sometimes other women who will criticize your choice to remain hairy.
    • Many European women are far less obsessed about the removal of body hair than their North American counterparts. And yet, their love lives and general relationships are certainly not suffering for being a little hairier!
    • Women like Frida Kahlo, Julia Roberts, Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Love Hewitt and Brooke Shields have at one time or other sported famous body hair.
    • Just be aware that some men feel embarrassed to admit they like hairy women. You could be hiding your hairiness from him, he could be hiding his like for it from you, and this could just go on forever. Be honest and see what happens.
  3. Focus on what you will gain by allowing your natural hair to remain in place. There are so many benefits to letting the hair grow where it will, that these might tip the scales in favor of keeping your natural hair. Time and money once spent on hair removal is now a thing of the past. Not to mention forgoing the pain from waxing and shaving nicks. Gone is the after-pain of shaving or tweezing. And deodorant works just as well on hairy parts as on shaved parts (despite an oft-touted and unfounded insistence to the contrary). Standing up for freedom of choice as to how you, as a woman, express your beauty is a valuable gain. Finally but not least, you'll also start to discover the silent proportion of men who are just fine (and maybe even turned on by) hair on the female form.
    • Having hair on your body or face can be a great way to pick the boys from the men (or the girly girls from the real women), the conformists from the true thinkers and the mature from the immature. People's reactions will tell you a great deal…
    • Shaving pubic region hair can result in painful regrowth if the hairs become ingrown. This is definitely one area worth avoiding such painful outcomes!
  4. Decide the extent to which you want to be a hairy woman. There are varying degrees of hairiness and anything you choose is fine. Some women prefer to shape out the monobrow, while some women are happy to shave their legs but keep armpit hair. Then, there are women happiest not to touch any of it. The extent of hairiness rests with your personal comfort level, the reasons behind wanting to keep your natural body hair and even the style of clothing you wear normally.
    • For some women, bleaching is a solution. Keep the hair but lessen its impact by bleaching it. Realize that this starts to get a little crazy when your leg skin bleaches too… You might want to look into professional bleaching services if you take this option seriously.
    • Sometimes skin sensitivity or high pain levels in one region (such as the armpits) could cause you to leave one part of your body free from shaving while still shaving another part.
    • Another possible choice is "seasonal hairiness". During winter, let it grow like wildfire, while in summer, tame the growth.
  5. Care for your natural body hair that you keep. Whether you're keeping all of your body hair, parts of it or seasonally adjusting it, there are some helpful hair care tips to follow:
    • Try to make any kept hair softer. Use hair conditioner on it regularly, but be careful around the pubic area.
    • Brush body hair with a damp nail brush if you feel it looks messy. Otherwise, leave it well alone and it'll usually take care of itself.
    • If you wish, cut hair a little shorter with nail scissors to keep it looking neat and even.
    • Keep clean. If you don't have time to shower, wash your underarms at the sink with shower gel as you would in the shower, then apply deodorant.
    • Avoid shaving if you do choose to remove any hair. Stubble is prickly and not as soft as grown hair. It can lead to irritated skin and ingrown hairs. Go for waxing or laser treatment for any hair you want removed.
  6. Deal with put downs and critical comments with grace and dignity. There will always be someone with a thoughtless, less-than-insightful comment seeking that you conform to their notion of the beauty ideal. There are several possible ways to respond to unkind words said about your choice to keep your natural body or facial hair:
    • Say nothing. Simply smile and turn away from them.
    • Ask them if they'd feel the same way about getting rid of hair if all of their hair suddenly fell out. Then comment on how funny it is that in a world where women would do anything not to go bald on top of the head, we insist that women go on removing naturally growing hair!
    • Make a joke out of it.
    • Probe them. Ask them exactly what it is that they think is so gross about naturally growing body hair on the female form. Be prepared for a long discussion and a lot of rebuttal. Bear in mind that you can have quite a lot of fun with this one because "gross" is not a reason and getting to the real reason behind the person's dislike can be very revealing.
    • Ask them if they really do prefer relegating women to the status of pre-adolescence by insisting on a beauty standard that infantilizes women. This is only for the woman who likes a good, potentially heated discussion that may, or may not, involve barbs about feminism. Stand your ground and call the bluffs as you see them.
    • Stare them straight in the face and tell them that they have truly offended you. Leave it at that.
  7. Be confident with your decision. People may not notice anyway, and if they do, who really cares? As with all things that matter to you personally in life, navigate toward the people who don't give a toss about your appearance or who are supportive. The rest you can do without.
    • By all means remained well groomed (which is a different matter from appearance) but don't feel that you have to conform.
    • Being ashamed of your decision to stay hairy is a turn-off and can cause you to hide behind clothes and closed doors. Don't be ashamed; wear the hair proudly so that other women may also feel as confident as you do.

6 Ways to Burn Your Belly Fat Fast

One of the most common questions I get is how to lose belly fat. Belly fat is actually the most dangerous type of fat – besides aesthetics, large waist lines are indicators of –disease-disease-disease.
It takes more than just crunches! We start to gain weight in our midsection when our cortisol levels spike. Stress is one of the primary culprits for high levels of cortisol secretion. When this happens cortisol breaks downs lean muscle (the type of tissue that burns calories most efficiently) and also holds on to fat storage in the abdominal region. That stress can even get WORSE with bad dieting; studies show that the stress caused by dieting can increase cortisol levels, making no change in belly fat even with calorie restriction. So how do you shape up? Incorporate these 6 things below and you will be on your way to a flatter belly in no time flat!
1. Sleep
If you want to work late at night, think again. When your biorhythms are off, you end up eating more. When you’re tired you produce more ghrelin, which triggers cravings for sugar and other fat-building foods. Losing sleep can also alter your hormone production, affecting your cortisol levels that cause insulin sensitivity, prime reasons for belly fat! Getting about 7 hours of sleep a night is one of the best things you can do for your body shaping goals.
2. Short bursts of exercises
1000 crunches a night may get you strong abdominal muscles, but with a full layer of fat on top, you will not get the results you really want. Instead of all those crunches, do exercises that engage multiple muscle groups and work your cardiovascular system. Try planking, where you hold yourself in a push-up position, resting your forearms on the ground. Try 3 or 4 sets of holding for 30 seconds each. Getting up and moving throughout the day by going for walks will also help.
3. Sugar is your Enemy
Fighting belly fat is 80% healthy diet. Reduce calories by filling yourself up with protein, vegetables, whole grains, and replacing bad habit snacks with good ones. For example, if you have a sugar craving, replace your calorie laden latte with a Muscle Milk lite, one of my favorites, because it has zero sugar and a ton of protein that will satiate while also torching my sugar craving! Another great trick is a sprinkle of cinnamon in your morning coffee or oatmeal- the spice has been shown to help stabilize blood sugar. It also slows the rate at which food exits the stomach, which helps you feel fuller longer.
4. Vitamin C
When you’re under extreme stress, you secret more cortisol hormone. Vitamin C helps balance the cortisol spikes that happen to you under this stress. Besides being a good way to counteract a cold, Vitamin C is also essential for making carnitine, a compound used by the body to turn fat into fuel, making this vitamin your fat burning friend.
If you’re going through an emotional crisis, stress from work, or a bad eating splurge, increase your vitamin C – it’ll help counteract the negative side effects. Try bell peppers, kale or kiwi fruits. These have even more Vitamin C than the famous Orange!
5. Eat Fat
Yup, you heard me! It takes fat to burn fat. Like I said above, it’s sugar that gets you fat, not fat. Good fats include foods rich in Omega 3′s, like salmon, avocados & walnuts. These foods are full of nutrients that help keep you satiated throughout the day.

6. Slowing down your breath
This is a very simple method that you can use even when you’re in the midst of doing something else. Whenever you notice you’re feeling tense and uptight check and see how you’re breathing. Most people under stress either alternate holding their breath with short breaths, or take rapid shallow breaths. After you become aware of your own breathing, consciously relax your belly and slow down the breathing. This works best if you focus on slowing down the exhalation rather than your inhalation. With each exhalation you can say to yourself “slow down”. That is all there is to it- Simple but surprisingly effective!!!

The Risks of Belly Fat

The notches on your belt tell the tale: If your waistline has gained girth, you've got more than friendly padding. You've got too much belly fat, and that's a serious health issue.
Doctors have a catchy term for that too-familiar round belly -- the "apple" shape. If your fat has settled on the buttocks and thighs, you're a "pear" shape. Don't get sidetracked with the cutesy names, however. Belly fat (aka visceral fat) is serious business.
"A big waistline puts you at increased risk for many health problems -- diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke
Even skinny people can have unhealthy "hidden" belly fat. Research shows that fat may be folded deep inside the belly around the stomach organs, visible only by CT or MRI imaging. This fat puts people at the same health risks as someone with more obvious big girth, researchers say.

How Does Belly Fat Harm You?

Belly fat doesn't just lay idle at your beltline. Researchers describe it as an active "organ" in your body -- one that churns out hormones and inflammatory substances.
"Abdominal fat is thought to break down easily into fatty acids, which flow directly into the liver and into muscle,
When these excess fatty acids drain into the liver, they trigger a chain reaction of changes -- increasing the production of LDL 'bad' cholesterol and triglycerides. During this time insulin can also become less effective in controlling blood sugar, so insulin resistance sets in, he explains.
Blood sugars start to get out of balance. Fats and clots get into the bloodstream, and that sets the stage for diabetes, heart disease, and more.
And research shows that abdominal fat triggers a change in angiotensin, a hormone that controls blood vessel constriction -- increasing the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack, Kuller explains.
Indeed, belly fat is a key indicator of "metabolic syndrome," a cluster of abnormalities that include high levels of blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides, as well as low levels of "good" HDL cholesterol. This combination of risks has an impact on mortality from heart disease.

Belly Fat: Men's vs. Women's Risks

Men tend to collect more belly fat than women, and it starts early in life. "In adolescence and postadolescence, men start collecting abdominal fat," "It's one of the reasons men have more coronary disease than women."
In one study, men with excess belly fat and a large waist were most at risk for what researchers call "all-cause mortality" -- early death from any cause. And because belly fat can trigger cardiovascular problems, a large belly has also been linked to erectile dysfunction in men over age 60.


Popcorn is one of the healthiest foods anyone can eat. It has large amount of calories, protein, minerals and vitamins… and all-around food. For centuries corn has been basic in diets of many civilizations because it abundantly provides so many different nutrients. Today it still is among leading foods health-giving qualities. We all strive for a balanced diet of healthful foods, which taste good. There are few children or grown-ups who do not like the salty, tantalizing taste of hot, well-seasoned popcorn. Yet, of the millions who buy popcorn most do not know they are eating a highly nutritious food. Perhaps this has been a factor in popcorn's tremendous popularity. Here is a sociable snack, which can be offered to old and young with complete assurance that it will supply the body with valuable nutrients and will in no way, harm the teeth.
•  Of all the snacks a child can eat at school, popcorn is by far the healthiest. It builds bone, muscle, tissue, aids digestion, and is good for the teeth. Here's why:
•  Teeth are composed chiefly of calcium and phosphorous. Both are dissolved…that is, eaten away…by a certain kind of acid, which is formed in the mouth by the action of bacteria on sugar. Thus anything containing sugar produced this acid which attacks the immediately. ‘Acids causing tooth decay form in the mouth from the use of sweetened foods, soft drinks, chewing gum, or other confections.
•  Brushing teeth immediately after consuming sweets reduces the harmful effects, but how can children brush their teeth at school? Much better to offer them something that does not require brushing teeth after eating, something like fresh, hot popcorn not having the bad effects of candy and soft drinks. ‘Eat an adequate amount of the protective foods such as milk, fruits and vegetables, eggs, meat, whole grain cereals, and bread. If children are hungry between meals, they should have fruit juices, fresh fruits, unsweetened dried fruits, nuts, popcorn, whole grain cereals, milk, cheese, instead of candy, gum, pop, or other sweet food.' In additional to this remember that popcorn contributes to good teeth is still another way. The calcium and phosphorous in popcorn supplies the human system with appreciable quantities of valuable minerals which build teeth
In addition to its generous quantities of calories, protein, minerals and vitamins, popcorn supplies roughage and bulk. The roughage in popcorn beneficially exercises teeth and gums, a function not performed by soft foods. According to medical authorities, it also stimulates the flow of saliva and gastro-intestinal digestive movements. The bulk supplied by popcorn within the intestinal canal exerts mechanical stimulation of the motor machinery of the surrounding walls. For indigestion and ills that arise from over-eating, gas, etc., popcorn has always been a standard aid.
*One of the outstanding qualities of popcorn as a nutritious food is the abundance of essential minerals found in it. Three ounces of popcorn will supply a growing boy or girl with more than one-third of his or her daily requirement of phosphorous and one-fifth of the daily iron requirement…popcorn furnishes the human body with 2.7 milligrams of iron per 100grams of popcorn (edible portion). That is more than eggs, roast beef, peanuts, codfish, or milk, and is just short of spinach, which has 3.0 milligrams. Truly remarkable! With 281 milligrams of phosphorous per 100grams, popcorn is far ahead of eggs, beef, codfish, and spinach, and not too far behind liver and peanuts…Popcorn also supplies calcium…not so much as milk, the greatest of all calcium producers, but still more than man other producers, but still more than many other foods… The red corpuscles of the blood must have iron, and teeth and bones must phosphorous and calcium. Popcorn is a great source of these minerals.


Popcorn 2.7 Codfish 0.9
Apples 0.3 Eggs 2.7
Beef, roast 2.4 Spinach 3.0
Carrots 0.8 Sugar 0.1
(Chart compares popcorn with other foods in milligrams of iron per 3 ½ oz serving)


Popcorn 2.8 Eggs 210
Apples 0.3 Milk, fresh 93
Beef 176 Oranges 23
Codfish 189 Spinach 55
(Chart compares popcorn with other foods in milligrams of iron per 3 ½ oz serving)


Popcorn 11 Liver, fresh 8
Apples 6 Potatoes 11
Beef 11 Sugar 0
Eggs 54 Tomatoes 11
(Chart compares popcorn with other foods in milligrams of iron per 3 ½ oz serving)
*Children need large supplies of calories in a balanced diet for their active bodies. Many foods supply calories in abundance…meat, eggs, cheese, and bread. But among the very best suppliers is popcorn! It has 404 calories per 100 grams (edible portion). That is more than any cooked meat or fish (except very fat meats), more than all vegetable, fruits, breads, cakes, table beverages, and cheese (except Swiss). Of 1281 edible foods listed, popcorn is shown to have more calories than 1123 of the foods listed…A boy of high school age requires up to 3200 calories a day. Three ounces of popcorn will supply 343 calories, which is more than an equivalent serving of roast beef.
Popcorn……………………...……. 404 Bananas……………………...……. 99
Bread, rye…………………….…… 263 Cabbage…………………….……… 29
Cheese, cheddar……...………….. 368 Chicken…………………………….. 194 Codfish……………………...……... 70
Kidney, veal…………….....…….. 115
Oatmeal, cooked ………...……... 64 Peas………………….................. 101 Potatoes………….............…….. 85 Salmon………………….....…….... 169 Sausage………………....………... 446
Sweet breads………....………….. 493
Veal loin chops…………….………. 176
(Chart compares popcorn with other foods in milligrams of iron per 3 ½ oz serving)

*The human body is forever building. It builds during youth when limbs and frame grow larger. After maturity, it rebuilds, replacing its worn-out tissues with new…To do this vastly important work, the body must have proteins to feed nitrogen to the cells. Proteins are not stored by the body, but must be supplied every day. Meats are excellent daily suppliers of proteins. So is popcorn. Three ounces will supply one-sixth of the daily requirement. This is not quite so good as meat but better than vegetables, bread, candy, milk, oatmeal, soups and many other foods. The bar charts at the right show how popcorn ranks as a high-protein food, entirely suitable in the diet of a growing boy or girl…Nutritionist say there is safety in a variety of foods. Eating popcorn is good way to vary a diet because it contains many valuable nutrients.
Popcorn……………………….………………... 12.7
Beans, snap……………………….....………… 2.4
beef, roast…………………………..…………. 18.9
Bread, white……………………………………. 8.5
Butter…………………………….......………… 0.6 Codfish……...………………………………….. 16.5
Ham, smoked………………………………..… 16.9
Milk……………………..........………………… 3.5
Oatmeal, cooked…………......………………. 2.3
Puffed rice…………………....……………….. 6.7 Rolls…………………………….........………… 8.2
Salad dressing……………………….......…… 1.1 Sausage…………………………..…………….. 11.3 Soups…………………………….......………… 4.3
Sweet potatoes………………….....………… 1.8
(Chart compares popcorn with other foods in milligrams of iron per 3 ½ oz serving)
*The body does not manufacture vitamins for its own use. Therefore they must be furnished from outside sources. Popcorn is a good source. Three ounces of popcorn will furnish about one-fifth of the daily requirement of thiamine (Vitamin B1). Thiamine is needed to maintain good appetite and normal digestion and to keep the nervous system functioning normally. Popcorn also contributes to the body's supply of riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and niacin (formerly called nicotinic acid). Riboflavin is necessary for the body's cells. Niacin prevents pellagra and keeps the skin in good condition. In its supply of riboflavin and niacin, popcorn is ahead of beans, cabbage, oatmeal, and many other foods. Popcorn lacks Vitamin A and C (ascorbic acid). These are thought to be destroyed by the necessarily high popping heat, since sweet corn contains appreciable quantities of Vitamins A and C.


Popcorn 0.39 Liver 0.27
Beef, roast 0.10 Milk, fresh 0.04
Codfish 0.04 Pork 0.58
Eggs 0.12 Sugar 0.00
(Chart compares popcorn with other foods in milligrams of iron per 3 ½ oz serving)


Popcorn 0.12 Carrots 0.6
Apples 0.02 Milk, fresh 0.17
Beef, roast 0.13 Pork 0.14
Cabbage 0.06 Sugar 0.00
(Chart compares popcorn with other foods in milligrams of iron per 3 ½ oz serving)


Popcorn 2.2 Cabbage 0.3
Beef, corned 2.7 Codfish 2.3
Bread, whole wheat 3.5 Lettuce 0.2
Butter 0.1 Oranges 0.2
(Chart compares popcorn with other foods in milligrams of iron per 3 ½ oz servin

The Harmful Effects Of Sugar On Mind And Body

Of all the foods consumed today, refined sugar is considered to be one of the most harmful. ...In 1997 Americans devoured 7.3 billion pounds of candy. Americans spent an estimated $23.1 billion dollars on candy and gum. The average American consumed a record 27.3 pounds of candy and gum in the same year-the equivalent of about six regular sized chocolate bars a week-marking the fifth consecutive year of increased demand. 
...Consumption of processed foods (which are laced with sugar) cost the American public more than $54 billion in dental bills each year, so the dental industry reaps huge profits from the programmed addiction of the public to sugar products. ...Today we have a nation that is addicted to sugar. In 1915, the national average of sugar consumption (per year) was around 15 to 20 pounds per person. Today the average person consumes his/her weight in sugar, plus over 20 pounds of corn syrup. To add more horrors to these facts there are some people that use no sweets and some who use much less than the average figure, which means that there is a percentage of the population that consume a great deal more refined sugar than their body weight. The human body cannot tolerate this large amount of refined carbohydrates. The vital organs in the body are actually damaged by this gross intake of sugar.
...Refined sugar contains no fiber, no minerals, no proteins, no fats, no enzymes, only empty calories. What happens when you eat a refined carbohydrate like sugar? Your body must borrow vital nutrients from healthy cells to metabolize the incomplete food. Calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium are taken from various parts of the body to make use of the sugar.
Many times, so much calcium is used to neutralize the effects of sugar that the bones become osteoporotic due to the withdrawn calcium. Likewise, the teeth are affected and they lose their components until decay occurs and hastens their loss. ...Refined sugar is void of all nutrients, consequently it causes the body to deplete its own stores of various vitamins, minerals and enzymes. If sugar consumption is continued, an over-acid condition results, and more minerals are needed from deep in the body to correct the imbalance. If the body is lacking the nutrients used to metabolize sugar, it will not be able to properly handle and rid itself of the poisonous residues. These wastes accumulate through the brain and nervous system, which speeds up cellular death. The bloodstream becomes over-loaded with waste products and symptoms of carbonic poisoning result.
...Sugar also makes the blood very thick and sticky, inhibiting much of the blood flow into the minute capillaries that supply our gums and teeth with vital nutrients. Therefore, we wind up with diseased gums and starving teeth. America and England, the two largest sugar consumers, have horrendous dental problems.
...In 1948, a $57,000 ten-year study was awarded to Harvard University by the Sugar Research Foundation to find out how sugar causes cavities in teeth and how to prevent it. In 1958, Time magazine reported the findings, which were reported in the Dental Association Journal. They discovered there was no way to prevent the problem and their funding immediately disappeared.
..."The most significant human study was done in Sweden, reported in 1954, and known as the Vipeholm Dental Caries Study. More than 400 adult mental patients were placed on controlled diets and observed for five years. The subjects were divided into various groups. Some ate complex and simple carbohydrates at mealtimes only, while other supplemented mealtime food with between-meal-snacks, sweetened with sucrose, chocolate, caramel, or toffee. Among the conclusions drawn from the study, was that sucrose consumption could increase caries activity. The risk increased if the sucrose was consumed in a sticky form that adhered to the tooth's surfaces. The greatest damage was inflicted by foods with high concentrations of sucrose, in sticky form, eaten between meals, even if contact with the tooth's surfaces was brief. Caries, due to the intake of foods with high sucrose levels, could be decreased when such offending foods were eliminated from the diet. But individual differences existed, and in some cases, caries continued to appear despite avoidance of refined sugar or maximum restriction of natural sugars and total dietary carbohydrates." 
...Diabetes is another commonly known disease caused by sugar as well as a high fat diet. Diabetes is caused by the failure of the pancreas to produce adequate insulin when the blood sugar rises. A concentrated amount of sugar introduced into the system sends the body into shock from the rapid rise in the blood sugar level. The pancreas eventually wears out from overwork and diabetes then rears its ugly head.
...Hypoglycemia occurs when the pancreas overreacts to the large amount of sugar in the blood and releases too much insulin leaving one with the "tired" feeling as the blood sugar level becomes lower than it should be.
"A recent article in the British Medical Journal, entitled The Sweet Road to Gallstones, reported that refined sugar may be one of the major dietary risk factors in gallstone disease. Gallstones are composed of fats and calcium. Sugar can upset all of the minerals, and one of the minerals, calcium, can become toxic or nonfunctioning, depositing itself anywhere in the body, including the gallbladder.
..."One out of ten Americans has gallstones. This risk increases to one out of every five after age forty. Gallstones may go unnoticed or may cause pain-wrenching pain. Other symptoms might include bloating, belching, and intolerance to foods." ...Another serious problem with sugar that is now coming to the forefront is the various levels of mental problems. Our brains are very sensitive and react to quick chemical changes within the body. As sugar is consumed, our cells are robbed of their B vitamin, which destroys them, and insulin production is inhibited. Low insulin production means a high sugar (glucose) level in the bloodstream, which can lead to a confused mental state or unsound mind, and has also been linked with juvenile criminal behavior. Dr. Alexander G. Schauss, brings this solemn fact out in his book, Diet, Crime and Delinquency. Many mental ward and prison inmates are "sugarholics" and erratic emotional outbreaks often follow a sugar binge.
...Refined sugar, by some, is called a drug, because in the refining process everything of food value has been removed except the carbohydrates-pure calories, without vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, enzymes or any of the other elements that make up food. Many nutrition experts say that white sugar is extremely harmful, possibly as harmful as a drug, especially in the quantities consumed by the present-day American.

 ...Refining means to make "pure" by a process of extraction or separation. Sugars are refined by taking a natural food, which contains a high percentage of sugar, and then removing all elements of that food until only the sugar remains. ...While sugar is commonly made from sugar cane or sugar beets. Through heating and mechanical and chemical processing, all vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, enzymes and indeed every nutrient is removed until only the sugar remains. Sugar cane and sugar beets are first harvested and then chopped into small pieces, squeezing out the juice, which is then mixed with water. This liquid is then heated, and lime is added. Moisture is boiled away, and the remaining fluid is pumped into vacuum pans to concentrate the juice. By this time, the liquid is starting to crystallize, and is ready to be placed into a centrifuge machine where any remaining residues (like molasses) are spun away. The crystals are then dissolved by heating to the boiling point and passed through charcoal filters. After the crystals condense, they are bleached snow-white usually by the use of pork or cattle bones.
...During the refining process, 64 food elements are destroyed. All the potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphate, and sulfate are removed. The A, D, and B, vitamins are destroyed. Amino acids, vital enzymes, unsaturated fats, and all fiber are gone. To a lesser or greater degree, all refined sweeteners such as corn syrup, maple syrup, etc., undergo similar destructive processes. Molasses is the chemical and deranged nutrients that is a byproduct of sugar manufacture. ...Sugar manufacturers are aggressive in defending their product and have a strong political lobby which allows them to continue selling a deadly food item that by all reason should not be allowed in the American diet. ...If you have any doubts as to the detriments of sugar (sucrose), try leaving it out of your diet for several weeks and see if it makes a difference! You may also notice you have acquired an addiction and experience some withdrawal symptoms. ...Studies show that "sugar" is just as habit-forming as any narcotic; and its use, misuse, and abuse is our nation's number one disaster. It is no wonder when we consider all the products we consume daily which are loaded with sugar! The average healthy digestive system can digest and eliminate from two to four teaspoons of sugar daily, usually without noticeable problems, (that is if damage is not already present). One 12 oz. Cola contains 11 teaspoons of sugar, and that's aside from the caffeine. It's the sugar that gives you quick energy, but only for a brief time due to the rise of the blood sugar level. But the body quickly releases a rush of insulin, which rapidly lowers the blood sugar and causes a significant drop in energy and endurance. It is easy to see why America's health is in serious trouble.
EFFECT OF SUGAR ON NEUROLOGICAL PROCESSES ...One of the keys to orderly brain function is glutamic acid, and this compound is found in many vegetables. When sugar is consumed, the bacteria in the intestines, which manufacture B vitamin complexes, begin to die-these bacteria normally thrive in a symbiotic relationship with the human body. When the B vitamin complex level declines, the glutamic acid (normally transformed into "go" "no-go" directive neural enzymes by the B vitamins) is not processed and sleepiness occurs, as well as a decreased ability for short-term memory function and numerical calculative abilities. The removal of B vitamins when foods are "processed" makes the situation even more tenuous.

Monday, November 25, 2013

7 Benefits of Smiling and Laughing that You Didn’t Know about

Smiling and laughing can have a positive effect on your well-being, but as you make the transition from child to adult, you often tend to lose the habit of indulging in these behaviors. A good example of this is a children’s playground: You often see the kids running around, constantly laughing and smiling as they enjoy living in the moment, while the parents sit around the edge, full of the stresses that modern life can bring, with the occasional grin breaking their otherwise serious facial expressions. Adults can benefit from taking a lead from children and making more room in life for smiling and laughter.
Research has shown that there a number of health benefits contributed to smiling and laughing. In addition to improved health, these simple facial expressions and common human behaviors can have a distinctive positive affect on other factors all areas of your life. When you smile and laugh, a number of physiological changes occur in your body, mostly without you being consciously aware of it happening.

7 Benefits of Smiling and Laughing

1. Neurotransmitters called endorphins are released when you smile.

These are triggered by the movements of the muscles in your face, which is interpreted by your brain, which in turn releases these chemicals. Endorphins are responsible for making us feel happy, and they also help lower stress levels. Faking a smile or laugh works as well as the real thing—the brain doesn’t differentiate between real or fake as it interprets the positioning of the facial muscles in the same way. This is known as the facial feedback hypothesis. The more we stimulate our brain to release this chemical the more often we feel happier and relaxed.

2. Endorphins make us feel happier and less stressed.

They also act as the body’s natural pain killers. For sufferers of chronic pain, laughing and smiling can be very effective in pain management, as can laughing off the pain when you bump an elbow or fall over.

3. While the release of endorphins is increased, the stress hormone cortisol is reduced.

Cortisol is more active when we feel stressed or anxious and contributes to the unpleasant feelings we experience, and by lowering it we can reduce these negative feelings.

4. Laughing expands the lungs, stretches the muscles in the body and stimulates homeostasis.

This exercises the body, replenishing the cells from a lungful of oxygen and gaining all the benefits of exercising the body.

5. A good laugh can be an effective way to release emotions.

A good laugh can help you release emotions, especially those emotions that you might bottle up inside. Everything looks that little bit better after a good laugh and life can be seen from a more positive perspective. Smiling and laughing have positive social implications as well.

6. Smiling is an attractive expression, which is more likely to draw people to you rather than push them away.

Smiling makes you appear more approachable. Interaction with others is easier and more enjoyable when smiles and laughs are shared, and these behaviours are contagious, making others feel better too, and make you a more appealing and attractive person to be around. This in turn will have a positive effect on your well-being.

7. A happy, positive expression will serve you well in life.

This is particularly  true for challenging situations such as job interviews: a smiling, relaxed persona indicates confidence and an ability to cope well in stressful situations. This will also be of benefit in your career, building healthy relationships with colleagues and being seen in a favourable light by your employers.

How to Smile and Laugh More Often

There are simple ways to bring more smiling and laughing into your day:
  • Smile and laugh regularly. As mentioned, your brain does not know the difference between a fake or real smile, and by doing so more often you will feel better, and become more likely to smile and laugh more spontaneously.
  • Watch funny films, TV, and theater shows. This is a excellent way to inject some instant humor into your life. By avoiding negative programs and news broadcasts, you can also balance make your viewing more positive and lighthearted, with more opportunity for a chuckle or two.
  • Spend time with friends and family that make you feel happy. Surrounding yourself with happy, fun-loving, optimistic people will bring out your happy side, and their behaviour will rub off on you as you subconsciously mimic their behavioural patterns.
  • Find things to smile and laugh about. Once you start consciously looking at all the things that are funny and uplifting, you will be more aware of them, in tune with them, and more ready to engage in a spontaneous smile or laugh.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Secret to Staying Young

They pop out of every magazine you open and every billboard you drive by: skinny sixteen year-old models with blemish- and wrinkle-free skin staring blankly back at you. Like they own the place or something.
If you don’t have their complexion and shape you probably wince the same way I do when you see them splattered on that advertising campaign. Youth is where it’s at in the twenty first century.  We’re told it’s desirable and that we should want it—and inevitably, many of us do.
On any given weekday you will find perfectly sane women trampling each other to get to wildly over-priced beauty-products (read: the same ones advertised on that billboard you drove by earlier) at our handy local beauty store.
Then we head on over to the gym where we run, lift weights, and cycle ourselves till within an inch of our lives before jetting off home to soak our faces in that New!Magic!Serum! (read: fetuses liquidized with rat tails and just a dash of pigs foot and perfume to cover it all up).
And rinse and repeat.
Inevitably, one sunny morning just before your (please insert) birthday, you look into the mirror and see a line cracking down like the crater of doom from the corner of your eye towards your slightly saggy cheek.
Don’t hyperventilate.  I’m here to deliver the good news:
You don’t really want to be young again!
You might as well wish you were Santa Claus or Oprah. It’s never going to happen. Besides, you had to sit through puberty and all that to get where you are now, and I’m guessing you’re probably quite happy to be here.
You might enjoy the notion of being youthful instead, because that’s a completely different thing, you see. In fact, that’s something you can actually achieve.
Youth refers to how you look; it’s a reference to your body. Youthfulness is a reference to your life energy—a much nicer thing to strive for than your long lost (sorry) youth.
 Fiona du Plooy says that she can tell your “real” age by how flexible your spine is: If your can still bend it, flex it, and roll it, if it’s still malleable and fluid, you’re doing OK.  (Whether you’re 20 or 70, this is a realistic goal we can all try to attain!)
I agree with Fiona, but from the viewpoint of my own modality. Youth is something that’s present in your eyes. It’s a way of being in the world, of interacting with it and placing yourself in it.
It’s something you can see in a person’s energy rather than their skin—a liveliness and interest in their environment that regenerates itself.
If you want to stay youthful, you don’t need to go under the knife. Heck, you don’t even have to leave the house. You just need to sustain these three simple-yet-much-more-magical-than-rat-tail-things.

1.  Play

(Otherwise known as that thing you used to do in your youth.)
Play means you’re having fun. It’s the polar opposite of work. Somewhere on the path to getting a career and “growing up” we forget that.
What does it mean to play with something?
  • To engage
  • in a light-hearted way
  • to discover and explore
  • without expectation
  • or being invested in an outcome.
All of my favorite spiritual teachers have a cunning sense of humor about life and bring it into their teachings as well.
Do you do anything fun with your time?
When’s the last time you discovered or did something new?  When did you do something without trying to get some kind of end result from it, just for kicks?
If you’re drawing a blank it’s time to sign up for that scuba diving course or join a local knitting group once a week. (Yes.  Knitting can be fun.) Remember: Fun is the process. It has nothing to do with the outcome.  Play.  Discover. Explore.
Never, ever take yourself too seriously. To ensure long lasting happiness, make this is your primary way of interacting with the world.

2.  Desire

Desire has become a dirty word in our society. It conjures up pictures of couples in a 1950’s movie clinging to each other with a look of desperation in their eyes. Desire has acquired a bit of a stink to it.
Which is a great pity.
Desire is the energy that propels us forward.
It makes us want to stick around to see what happens next. Even a monk who desires nothing is driven by a strong desire—to desire nothing and connect with his higher Self.
Nurture your desires. They serve as the canon which continuously launches you into life.
When you wake up in the morning ask yourself:  How can I satisfy one of my own desires today?
Even if you have a nine-to-five job, make sure that you do at least one thing everyday that you consciously chose to do because you enjoy it. It doesn’t need to be earth shattering. Take a long bubble bath, have coffee with a friend, or write a poem.

3.  Malleability

Malleability is your ability to adapt, to change.  Youthfulness requires you to be able to bend with life.
Case in point: Have you ever seen a baby fall over? Their soft little bodies are usually OK since they don’t absorb the impact, they embrace it. Their fluidity is their saving grace.
The older we get, the more rigid we tend to become in both our thoughts and bodies. Tension stiffens and leads to breakage. Like an old woman who refuses to change, rigidity about who and what you are leaves no room for exploration. It means you’re old.
When you’re no longer willing to leap blindly into the abyss of self-realization, if you’ve closed the doors on new possibilities, your life slowly starts to suffocate from lack of fresh energy and motivation.
Rigidity is a direct result of fear and presumption. Fear and presumption narrow your choices; they close you off to new possibilities and vitality. The more you indulge in these two emotions, the less chance you have of nourishing yourself with new adventures.
Take a risk every now and again. Step out of your box, even if it’s just a little step.
Youthfulness is about your vitality and spirit. Stop chasing after that sixteen year-old skin, embrace the wisdom that comes with age, and next time you drive by that billboard, smile.  Youth isn’t in your skin my friend.  It’s sitting in your bones