According to Natural Law, our normal body
temperature is about 98.6 degrees F. If we raise that temperature a few
degrees, the body starts to show signs of distress, and we say we have a
fever. We try hard to return to homeostasis or normal functioning.
When we drink ice-cold water, juice, or any ice-cold fluids, we create the basis for chronic diseases.
If you purchase a bowl of cow’s blood at the market to make some famous
black pudding, and you put a cube of ice in this blood, observe what
happens. This fluid, warm blood becomes thick, sticky, cool, or cold
blood and appears to be like jello as it clots. This is what happens in
our bodies when we drink cold water or juice or any ice-cold fluids like
beer etc.
The body is about 70% fluid, and any fluids taken into the body
becomes part of that 70%. Knowing this, we have a responsibility to put
into our bodies, only drinks and foods that will enhance its proper
functioning. A body that cannot circulate its blood is like an
uninviting swimming pool in which moss and bacteria grow. The blood may
be thick, unable to flow properly to the extremities of the body, the
hands and feet begin to feel numb and hurt, the toes begin to hurt, the
toenails lose their shine and may begin to decay. The heart labours to
pump the blood throughout the body, and the lungs fight to keep up. The
legs may swell and become dark, when blood cannot be efficiently pumped
back up to the heart.
When the blood is free from toxins and flowing freely and properly,
we can then liken the blood to an inviting swimming pool, clear and
clean. It generates happiness and perfect health, energy and creativity.
This individual contributes maximum to the health and wellbeing of
others in an innocent, natural way.
Illness may have many symptoms, but it is a process as we go from
perfect health to ill health. If we understand the process of Perfect
Health, we will recognize when something undesirable is happening in our
bodies or minds and we will not allow it to become chronic before
seeing our doctor. We need to change our fascination with disease to
fascination with perfect health; then our lives will mirror our
fascination and create it.
There are other things that make the blood thick and toxic: little or
no exercise, little or no sunlight especially early in the mornings,
junk foods and eating at the wrong times, especially late at nights and
going to sleep with a full stomach. It settles and ferments instead of
being digested and absorbed. Wrong breathing habits which cause carbon
dioxide to back up in the lungs and pollute the blood. Taking
hallucinogenic drugs of any kind and also the use and abuse of alcohol,
have similar effects. Trauma and abuse, even on the mental and emotional
levels will give similar results.
How to get rid of this undesirable condition:
• Visit your doctor as soon as you notice that there is something that should be corrected.
• Take warm and or hot fluids
• Take regular walks
• Start an exercise program
• Eat smaller food portions and eat more often to generate and conserve energy
• Have your blood pressure checked regularly
• Research, investigate, inquire, be curious to know more about yourself and your condition
• Do not be afraid to find out if something is wrong with you
• Have regular checkups with your doctor
Expect perfect health. It is your birthright!
It is up to you to work towards Perfect Health, the state in which the
body, mind, behavior, and spirit function as one – in Wholeness. In that
state, illness cannot exist or take hold. It is a state of constant
cheerfulness, where positivity and right thoughts, words, and actions
are the norm.
On the contrary, when ill health is attacking the body, the mind
becomes unstable and negative. The nervous system is restless and also
unstable, and we can’t be still for one moment. We can’t resist talking
constantly, and cannot stop having negative thoughts. The emotions may
be out of control, we experience anxiety attacks, panic attacks,
depression, fear, phobia and the like.
Persons experiencing the above symptoms need to learn to relax and
meditate. Even to pray, one needs a quiet and peaceful mind. The
immediate need is to quieten the mind. Because of the intimate
connection between mind and body, when the mind is quiet, the body will
quieten down also and we experience inner peace, inner silence, inner
stillness. In this state, the entire body becomes alkaline and illness
cannot exist in an alkaline environment. With regular practice of
stillness, silence day and night, morning and evening, the body takes
the habit of functioning in a healthy rested creative but dynamic way,
and inner happiness – bliss is the result. Such persons contribute
maximum to the creation of an ideal society, free from crime and
negative deviant tendencies.
It is possible to create such a society, as it is the individuals who
collectively contribute their positive thoughts, words, actions, and
intentions in a simple natural way to the collective consciousness of
the nation.
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