
Saturday, November 09, 2013

How To Whiten Your Teeth

smileMillions of people’s aren’t satisfied with the colour of their teeth. They’re either too yellow, too stained or a combination of both. Some people are able to correct this with an increase in their teeth cleaning regime, while others turn to advanced cosmetic dentistry techniques.
Dentists’ most common, and highly regarded, advice is to adhere to a strict dental care regime. This would mean alternative treatments wouldn’t be necessary. For not only brighter, but healthier looking teeth and gums you should:
  1. Brush your teeth twice daily using a fluoride based toothpaste. A circular motion should be used and attention paid to all teeth
  2. Floss daily, a technique not commonly adhered to but one that dramatically reduces the build-up of stains and plaque on teeth.
  3. Use sugar-free chewing gum. This step has been shown to greatly reduce the build-up of plaque and acids in your mouth.
  4. Drink plenty of water during the day. The same two litre recommendation made by other health professionals would come from dentists alike.
  5. Consume a sensible and balanced diet. Refer to the food pyramid and reduce your consumption of dark staining foods and drinks-coffee,teas,red wine etc.
  6. Pay a visit to your dentist as advised for a thorough scale and clean. They can also advise on further whitening processes to suit your needs.
If implementing this routine doesn’t improve the colour and overall appearance of your teeth, you may want to consider some other advanced whitening techniques. It’s always best to consult your dentist before deciding on which technique suits your needs but the information below hopefully helps you in your decision.
Whitening Trays
Whitening trays are used to whiten teeth by being fitted to the individual’s mouth and filled with a bleaching gel. The bleach then breaks down stains and residue on the teeth that brushing and flossing cannot.
Teeth whitening trays are of two core types;over the counter and professionally fitted. The OTC type do not fit the teeth accurately and are limited in their extent of whitening-you end up swallowing more of the bleaching gel!. This is due to the gel leaking out where it doesn’t fit so well. If there are no leaks, there may be areas where the bleaching gel pools unevenly. On the other hand, the dentist fitted trays although more expensive prove a better investment because they can be custom fitted to the person using them.
Benefits of whitening trays include:
* affordable (when compared to laser or zoom whitening)
* easy to use (some brands can be used at home)
* effective (they will whiten teeth but it’s worth noting they will not whiten your teeth as quickly as the below mentioned laser and heat based processes)

*less sensitivity compared with laser and heat based systems.
Laser Whitening
Laser whitening is now more popular than ever before, this is because the results are instant and can be more effective than the technique mentioned above. You can expect your teeth to be at least 10 shades whiter as a result. With all these accelerated techniques you should also be supplied with a set of home trays. Periodic” touch ups”is the best way to maintain your dazzling new smile.
Like many other techniques there are many brands available, three of the most popular are outlined below.
Zoom teeth whitening uses a heat lamp and acidic peroxide gel to clean an individual’s full set of teeth. The process typically takes about an hour to complete and the results can be seen for two to four years afterwards.

The smartlight process uses a laser-like light and alkaline gel. The process costs slightly more than Zoom teeth whitening, but the effects can be seen for longer, the process only takes 45 minutes and the results are likely to be better.

Light the Smartlight process, Smartbleach uses a laser-like light and alkaline gel. The results of this highly advanced process will last five full years and it can eradicate all stains on your teeth.

Natural Weight Loss

Now is the time that many of you are thinking about losing weight.  When beginning a weight loss program the ultimate goal should not be to watch the scale go down quickly. The goal should be to find your individual eating style and allow your body to find it’s natural weight.
The purpose of any weight loss program should be to lower your body fat percent and increase your metabolism. Unfortunately, many diets have the opposite effect.
Diets that severely restrict caloric intake may offer immediate results (not long-term), but they trigger a “starvation response” in which the body slows down its metabolic rate to conserve energy.  Once the goal weight is reached and normal eating resumes, the body gains weight even faster because it requires fewer calories just to maintain normal body functions.

In addition, rapid weight loss results in the loss of large amounts of glycogen (stored form of carbohydrate; what your body needs for energy), water, minerals, and muscle and organ protein.  These undesirable losses of lean body mass are coupled with only minimal losses in fat.
Yo-yo dieting has a similar effect. The more weight we lose, regain and lose again, the more muscle tissue we lose. The loss of muscle tissue is responsible for lowering our metabolic rate.
So for this spring/summer season, do yourself, your body and your mind a favor; do not start another diet.  Start a program that will promote a sustained, healthy nutrition and exercise program built for you.

Hemorrhoids: What a Pain!

There are two types of hemorrhoids: Internal, which occur in the rectal tunnel and are associated with rectal bleeding, itching, pain or skin irritation; and external, which occur in or around the anus and are characterized by a hard spot or painful swelling where the blood clot forms.
Hemorrhoids are common in both men and women. In fact, about half the population has them by age 50. They can be caused by a variety of factors, including abdominal disorders, pregnancy, stress, a lifestyle that includes sitting for extended periods of time, obesity, inadequate intake of fiber, lack of exercise, or genetic tendencies.
While home remedies such as creams, suppositories and warm baths may offer temporary relief from the symptoms of hemorrhoids, they often fail to solve the problem.
Despite the lack of long-term relief, far too many people put off seeking treatment. Some are embarrassed to mention their problem; others mistakenly believe that treatment involves surgery and long recovery periods. The good news is that new medical advances make treatment much easier. We offer non-surgical treatments that are quick, easy and virtually pain-free. Most patients are able to resume their normal lifestyle almost as soon as they leave our office.
A word of caution: Rectal bleeding is a common side-effect of hemorrhoids, but it also can indicate a more serious problem. It is important to seek medical attention if: You are over age 40 or have a family history of colon cancer; your hemorrhoids don’t improve with self-care; you have pain or bleed frequently or excessively; you develop bleeding between bowel movements; and/or the onset of your hemorrhoids occurs along with a marked change in bowel habits

Celebrity Weight Loss Tips – A Source of Inspiration to Others

Hollywood celebrities change their shape drastically; some stars are always on the verge of losing weight while some are gaining it to play a particular role in movies or shows. Read along some of the celebrity weight loss stories if you want some motivation to lose some pounds.
Look at Jennifer Hudson, she can’t be happier anymore for having this much determination to lose her weight. This star has been getting training from Harley Pasternak and has been satisfied with what she has learnt from Weight Watchers. Celebrities like Hudson know exactly which foods to stay away from and which food items to eat in order to stay healthy. You can see the results for yourself; the diet program followed by her, resulted in dropping off some extra pounds and now she’s in a perfect shape.
What about the celebrity weight loss tips? There are a number of tips that you can benefit from.
You can get a number of tips from such celebrity weight loss success stories. If you are a coffee addict then you should swap coffee for soy drinks just as Angelina Jolie did. Try having soya bean juice, soy milk and other soy drinks because they offer long lasting energy as compared to coffee. Moreover, it also helps in building muscles.
Another celebrity weight loss tip is to start back muscle exercise instead of doing front exercise every time you go to gym. Working on back muscles will help you retain a good posture.
An amazing weight loss tip which is also associated with the celebrity, Kelly Clarkson, is resisting yourself from sugar cravings. Whenever you feel cravings for sugar, turn yourself to some other alternative just like Kelly did to frozen grapes.
Say no to white food; rice, white bread, cake, crackers etc tend to increase your cravings for food and eventually, you feel hungry all the time which is definitely not a good thing for people willing to lose some weight. Learn something from the famous Cameron Diaz who tried real hard to cut her diet on white food items. Eventually, Diaz’s decision to cut on white food items showed positive results and helped her achieve the dream weight she has been working on since long.
Many women celebrities, especially actresses and models have fitness secrets relating to losing weight after giving birth to a child. You will find many examples like Amy Adams, Ellen Pompeo, Molly and the list goes on.
Among these mentioned names, Molly was successful in maintaining a healthy life by following a healthy diet consisting green vegetables while cutting on sugar. Amy’s advice to others is to do exercise and walk whereby following a healthy diet. Ellen is also of the view that she achieved weight loss by cutting on processed foods and eating more vegetables and fruits.
One can find a dozens of similar examples when these famous stars worked so hard to lose their weight. Obviously, it is important for such celebrities to ace their roles and be on top and for that, even if they have to lose 100 lb they can do every possible thing they can think of

Health benefits of eating bread

Bread is most commonly made of water, flour, yeast, eggs, sugar, milk, nuts, salt and spices. Also, some baker’s use fruit and vegetables to make bread. Bread is one of the oldest foods. In Neolithic age bread is made of water and ground cereals. Ancestors of early recipes for bread making are tortilla, pita jonhnnycake and oatcakes from Scotland. Americans eat over fifty nine pounds of bread and its products and every household has minimum two types of bread.
The health benefit of bread is that contains high levels of vitamins, calcium, protein and iron. Bread made of whole wheat has fiber which is good for digestion and health. White breads do not have much calories. One slice of white bread has about 75 calories or can have even less. Bread made of whole wheat has lower calories; one slice has only 60 calories.
You need to keep your bread in box if you want to your bread stay fresh longer on the room temperature. You can also wrap fresh bread with wax paper and then put it in the fridge. This will keep it fresh longer, too. The best breads are French and Italian. These types of breads are enriched sour dough’s.
The health benefit of bread made of whole wheat is fiber, as it is mentioned above. This is not only benefit of whole wheat bread. Whole wheat bread also contains mineral, vitamins and niacin’s. These nutrients are very good for your health and to maintain your weight. Women who eat bread made of whole wheat are thinner than women who eat white bread. Also, women eating whole wheat bread maintain their weight on healthy way.
Another benefit of whole wheat bread is to reduce risk of heart diseases and diabetes II (insulin independent type), Also, this bread can help you to reduce risk of inflammations.
Wheat bread is very good for your digestive system. It reduces risk of gastrointestinal problems. Fiber in whole wheat bread helps women before menopausal age protecting them from breast cancers.

Breads made of whole wheat can regulate your blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels and blood pressure. These are benefits for your heart.
Whole wheat bread is made of whole wheat flour, milk, baking powder, baking soda and reduced fat. For nice flavour you can add to bread some currants, raisins or dried cranberries.

When you choose what bread to take, first read on label ingredients that bread contains. Take breads that contain whole grains or stone ground but not enriched. Bread should be sweetened with honey or molasses; these are natural sweeteners and healthy ones. Do not take breads with preservatives, they are not healthy.

The most popular and most delicious breads are: apple spice bread, banana-nut bread, pumpkin bread, carrot bread, blueberry, strawberry, fig nut, chocolate, cranberry-orange bread, corn and sweet potato bread.
There is also breads gluten free for people who have allergy to gluten such as banana nut bread, corn bread, cinnamon bread, gingerbread, almond bread, and many other delicious types of bread. These breads are usually made of rice flour which is gluten free flour.

Why is Bread Bad For You? The Shocking Truth

Boy Eating a Sandwich

“The Whiter The Bread, The Sooner You’re Dead.”
It has been known for a long time that white bread and refined grains in general aren’t particularly nutritious.
Nutritionists and dietitians all around the world have encouraged us to eat whole grains instead.
But grains, especially gluten grains like wheat, have been under intense scrutiny in recent years.
Many respected health professionals now claim that bread and other sources of gluten grains are unnecessary at best and potentially harmful.

Bread is High in Carbs and Can Spike Blood Sugar Levels

Even whole grain bread usually isn’t made out of actual “whole” grains.
They are grains that have been pulverized into very fine flour. Even though this process reserves the nutrients, it causes these products to be digested rapidly.
The starches in bread get broken down quickly in the digestive tract and enter the bloodstream as glucose. This causes a rapid spike in blood sugar and insulin levels.
Even whole wheat bread spikes blood sugar faster than many candy bars
When blood sugar goes up rapidly, it tends to go down just as quickly. When blood sugar goes down, we become hungry.
This is the blood sugar roller coaster that is familiar to people on high carb diets. Soon after eating, they become hungry again, which calls for another high-carb snack.
Elevated blood sugars can also cause glycation at the cellular level when the blood sugars react with proteins in the body. This is one of the components of ageing
Studies on carb restricted diets (which eliminate/reduce starches and sugars) suggest that individuals who are diabetic or need to lose weight should avoid ALL grains
 Most breads are made of pulverized wheat. They are easily digested and rapidly spike blood sugar and insulin levels, which can lead to the notorious blood sugar “roller coaster” and stimulate overeating.

Bread Contains a Lot of Gluten

Wheat contains a large amount of a protein called gluten.
This protein has glue-like properties (hence the name gluten) responsible for dough’s viscoelastic properties.
Evidence is mounting that a significant percentage of the population is sensitive to gluten
When we eat bread that contains gluten (wheat, spelt, rye and barley), the immune system in our digestive tract “attacks” the gluten proteins
Controlled trials in people without celiac disease show that gluten damages the wall of the digestive tract, causing pain, bloating, stool inconsistency and tiredness.
Gluten sensitivity is also associated with some cases of schizophrenia  and cerebellar ataxia  both serious disorders of the brain.
Gluten is probably harmful for most people, not just those with diagnosed celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
The only way to really know if you’re gluten sensitive is to remove gluten from your diet for 30 days and then reintroduce it and see whether it affects you.
 Most breads are made of gluten grains. Gluten causes an immune response in the digestive tract of susceptible individuals. This can cause digestive issues, pain, bloating, tiredness and other symptoms.

Bread Contains Other Harmful Substances

Most commercial types of bread contain sugar or high fructose corn syrup, just like other processed foods.
Sugar causes many adverse effects and eating processed foods that contain it is likely to have detrimental effects on health.
Most grains also include the “anti nutrient” phytic acid.
Phytic acid is a molecule that strongly binds essential minerals like calcium, iron and zinc, preventing them from being absorbed
Soaking grains before baking can degrade the phytic acid, which should improve the availability of minerals.
 Most breads contain sugar, which is extremely bad for you. They also contain “anti nutrients” that block the absorption of minerals like calcium, iron and zinc.

Bread is Low in Essential Nutrients

There is NO nutrient in bread that you can’t get from other foods in even greater amounts.
Even whole wheat bread isn’t as nutritious as you may think.
Not only is it low in nutrients compared to other real foods, it literally reduces the absorption of nutrients from other foods.
  • Calorie for calorie, whole grain breads contain a low amount of nutrients compared to real foods like vegetables.
  • The phytic acid blocks absorption of minerals like iron, zinc and calcium
  • By damaging the intestinal lining, gluten decreases the absorption of all nutrients
  • Grains do not contain all the essential amino acids and are therefore poor sources of protein for humans
  • Wheat fiber may cause your body to burn through its Vitamin D stores much faster and contribute to vitamin d deficiency , which is associated with cancer, diabetes and death .
Whole grain breads are better for you than breads made with refined grains, but the best option is no bread at all. Breads made with soaked and sprouted grains may be less unhealthy.
 Most breads aren’t very nutritious and the proteins in them aren’t of much use. A damaged intestinal lining along with phytic acid reduces availability of nutrients. Wheat may also exacerbate vitamin d deficiency.

Whole Wheat Raises The Bad Cholesterol

In one study, 36 men were randomized into two groups.
They were instructed to eat either whole oat cereal or whole wheat cereal
After 12 weeks, the researchers measured blood lipid levels in both groups.
The oat cereal decreased LDL cholesterol and small, dense LDL. Basically, whole oats significantly improved the blood lipid profile.
However, the whole wheat cereal increased total LDL cholesterol by 8% and small, dense LDL by a whopping 60%.
Small, dense LDL is the type of cholesterol that is strongly associated with heart disease .
What this means is that whole wheat significantly harms blood lipids and may drastically raise your risk of heart disease.
Yes, that slice of “heart-healthy” whole wheat bread may be killing you.
 Eating not-so-”heart healthy” whole wheat may raise small, dense LDL cholesterol by a whopping 60%. This type of cholesterol is strongly associated with heart disease.

Whole Wheat is Just “Less Bad” Than Refined Wheat

It is true that whole grain breads are better for you than breads made with refined grains. They contain more nutrients and fiber.
Wheat Field
However, they’re just the lesser of two evils. It’s like comparing unfiltered cigarettes to filtered cigarettes. Filtered cigarettes are less harmful, but that does not make them healthy.
If you really must include bread in your life, then there are some options that aren’t quite as bad.
Bread made with soaked and sprouted grains may be less bad for you than regular bread. Preparing it this way reduces the amount of phytic acid.
Ezekiel bread, for example, is made of sprouted grains. This probably makes it less unhealthy than other breads. Gluten-free breads may also be healthier than those made with gluten grains like wheat, spelt, rye and barley.

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Neem and Health

Neem has rightly been called sarvaroghari. Since time immemorial, Indians have learnt and made use of neem in a variety of ways both for personal and community health by way of environmental amelioration. Despite all the vicissitudes India has gone through over the centuries, neem has managed to remain a friend, philosopher and guide to an average Indian. It is time this heritage is appreciated and in area of promotional and preventive health care, our indigenous knowledge and resources are made use of on an increasing scale as low-cost, effective ingredient for the realization of the lofty goal of ‘Health for all’.

Possessed of many and great virtues, this native Indian tree has been identified on the five-thousand-year-old seals excavated from the Indus Valley Civilization”. How the tradition lives on has also been graphically brought out, “Today the margosa is valued more highly for its capacity to exercise the demon of disease than the spirit of the dead, and an image of the folk goddess Sitala can often be seen suspended from a margosa branch where she guards against small pox, once the great killer of the Indian country side. Renowned for its antiseptic and disinfection properties, the tree is thought to be particularly protective of women and children. Delivery chambers are fumigated with its burning bark (Margosa seed oil has been chemically tested as an external contraceptive, used by women as a spermicide). Dried margosa leaves are burned as mosquito repellent. Fresh leaves, notorious for their bitterness, are cooked and eaten to gain immunity from malaria.
Neem’s antiseptic properties are widely recognized now. “Neem preparations are reportedly efficacious against a variety of skin diseases, septic sores, and infected burns. The leaves, applied in the form of poultices or decoctions, are also recommended for boils, ulcers, and eczema. The oil is used for skin diseases such as scrofula, indolent ulcers and ringworm.

Cures for many diseases have been reported but these need to be confirmed independently by trials under controlled conditions. Laboratory tests have shown that neem is effective against certain fungi that infect the human body. Some important fungi against which neem preparations have been found to be effective are: athlete’s foot fungus that infects hair, skin and nails; a ringworm that invades both skin and nails of the feet; a fungus of the intestinal tract; a fungus that causes infections of the bronchi, lungs, and mucous membranes and a fungus that is part of the normal mucous flora that can get out of control leading to lesions in mouth (thrush), vagina, skin, hands and lungs.

Neem has been used traditionally in India to treat several viral diseases. Even many medical practitioners believe that smallpox, chicken pox and warts can be treated with a paste of neem leaves – usually rubbed directly on the infected skin. Experiments with smallpox, chicken pox, and fowl pox show that although neem does not cure these diseases, but it is effective for purposes of prevention. ‘Crude neem extracts absorb the viruses, effectively preventing them from entering unaffected cells.” Recent tests, although unconfirmed, have shown that neem is effective against herpes virus and the viral DNA polymerase of hepatitis B virus. Should these findings be confirmed, neem could be used to cure these dreadful diseases.

Its effectiveness is enhanced on account of its easy and plentiful availability and low cost along with the advantage – a big and critical advantage – of crating income and employment for the poor. Neem is effective against dermatological insects such as maggots and head lice. It is a common practice to apply neem all over the hair to kill head lice.

Rural inhabitants in India and Africa regularly use neem twigs as tooth brushes. Neem twigs contain antiseptic ingredients. That explains how these people are able to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Ayurveda describes neem as herbal drug which is used to clean the teeth and maintain dental hygiene. Neem in the form of powder is also used to brush teeth and massage gums.

Chagas disease is a major health problem in Latin America. It cripples millions of people there. Laboratory tests in Germany and Brazil show that neem may be an answer to this dreadful disease which so far remains largely uncontrollable. The disease is caused by a parasite which is spread by an insect called kissing bug. Extracts of neem have effects on the kissing bugs. Research has shown that ’feeding neem to the bugs not only frees them of parasites, but azadirachtin prevents the young insects from molting and the adults from reproducing’.
Waiting for the fruit to ripe

In Ayurvedic medicine system neem is used to treat malarial fevers. Recent experiments have shown that one of the neem’s components, gedunin (a limonoid), is as effective as quinine against malaria. Malaria affects millions of people and is responsible for about 2 million deaths every year in India and several other countries. China has adopted neem in a big way for its anti-malaria operation. Their formulation “Quinahausa” is going to become available in India as well. Neem oil treated mosquito nets and mosquito-repellent cheap tablets (one paise per tablet) are also becoming popular. Such mosquito nets presently available in the North-East have to be made available in the whole country Because of growing problems of resistance to conventional treatments, it is becoming more and more difficult to control malaria. Should neem products prove effective cure against malaria, the dream of complete eradication of malaria might become a reality.

Neem is widely used for treating fevers. It has anti-pyretic (fever-reducing) property. In addition, neem products also have analgesic (pain-relieving) and anti-inflammatroy effects, i.e. for most common ailments neem can provide cheap, easily-available and local entrepreneurship medicines.

With revival of interest in Ayurveda as an important, indigenous total health-care system, neem with its therapeutic properties and time-tested usage, more particularly as a household first – aid and safe self-administered medicine as well as a preventative help is bound to stage a big come back.
  The uses of neem in pyrexia, diabetes, urinary problems, filarial, worms, respiratory disorders, dermatological disorders, gynecological disorders and by way of external use for eyes, piles and fistula, wounds, hair, dental hygiene and as fertility regulatory material; in addition to its ophthalmic and toiletries uses cannot be over emphasised. However, there is a need for continued R & D and its transfer to the pharmaceutical industry.

A wide multitude of diseases or conditions can be successfully treated with various elements of neem.

Medical properties of Neem have been known to Indians since time immemorial. The Neem tree brings joy and freedom from various diseases.

10 Tips To Save Money While Eating Healthy

Most people consider it common knowledge that healthy food is expensive and unhealthy food is cheap—that’s why we’re all so fat, right?
But for most people it does not need to be this way. Since I upgraded my healthstyle not only have I lost weight and become healthier, I have also managed to save more money.
In a nut shell, I started cooking more at home.
It is a sad reflection on our culture that so many people rely on fast food for their daily sustenance, and my heart goes out to those who truly cannot afford better. But I contend that many of the bad decisions we make about food each day are more an issue of (perceived) convenience than price.
Last I checked burritos in San Francisco averaged over $5. And if you have properly set up your kitchen you will find it actually takes less time to cook a healthy meal than it does to place and fill your order at El Farolito.
Every penny counts in this brutal economy. Here are a few tricks you can use to save a buck and get a little healthier too.

10 Tips For Eating Healthy On A Budget

  • Cook at home The most important change I made to save money was to turn cooking at home into my default option rather than rely on neighborhood eateries as my go-to cop out. Eating out is expensive, no matter which way you cut it.
  • Shop on weekends If you already have fresh food in the fridge you will be more motivated to cook for yourself instead of going out and spending money. Make the habit of buying food ahead of time and you won’t be as tempted to waste money going out.
  • Shop seasonally When choosing what to eat, taste trumps health 90% of the time. (That’s why you rolled your eyes when I suggested you eat fewer burritos.) If you really want to start eating healthy you must want to eat vegetables, and that will only happen if the ones you buy taste delicious. Seasonal, farm fresh produce can completely change how you feel about vegetables and fruits—it also tends to be the best deal in the produce section.
  • Shop at the farmers market In my experience the best tasting produce in a chain grocery store is at Whole Foods. But if you have ever been shopping there you know what a dent it can put in your wallet (this does not apply to their non-fresh items, which are competitively priced and often cheaper than other stores). Rather than handing over your Whole Paycheck or settling for less than inspiring options at Safeway, do your weekly produce shopping at your local farmers market. If you shop intelligently (see below) you can get 2 meals for the cost of one burrito.
  • Focus on leafy greens Leafy greens like kale, chard, collards, spinach and broccoli are some of the most nutritious, least expensive things you can buy. And this is true at any grocery store, not just the farmers market. Frequently, half a bunch of kale with some beans, grains and herbs  It also takes less than 15 minutes to prepare. Can you beat that?
  • Buy in bulk Canned beans are fine, but dried beans taste better and are way cheaper. Grains from the bulk bins at your local health food store are only pennies per serving. Cook these staples in large batches and save them in your freezer for cheap, quick and nutritious food anytime. This is also true of lentils. Just add some greens and you’re good to go.
  • Eat less meat This is probably the easiest way to save money. Whether at the grocery store or at restaurants meat is always the most expensive thing on the menu. I do not advocate a vegetarian diet, but limiting meat to once or twice a week is an easy way to cut back on both calories and expenses. If you are worried about protein (you needn’t be) you can eat beans, eggs and lentils instead.
  • Use fish from cans Fish is an important part of a healthy diet, but fresh fish can be expensive (especially the wild sustainable kinds). Canned salmon, sardines (boneless, skinless), smoked mackerel and anchovies are inexpensive alternatives for protein, vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Make fruit dessert If you think the farmers market is expensive my bet is you spend most of your money on fruits. I am the first to admit that fruit can be very expensive, especially summertime berries and stone fruits. While I do recommend you invest in some high-quality farmers market fruit, it will be easier on your wallet if you consider fruit a treat.
  • Think long term I am not arguing that buying every single food item at the farmers market is the cheapest way to shop, but it is almost certainly the healthiest. Our hedonistic tendencies may incline us toward cheap, greasy foods but you should consider what you are really paying for in the long run. Poor diet can be attributed to most cases of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer and a generally difficult, painful life. And I probably don’t need to convince you that a farm fresh salad costs less than a hospital trip and a lifetime of medication. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive, but unhealthy eating can cost you your life.

The need for a healthy and beautiful lips

The lips are one of the most erotic and attractive parts of the body, are the doors through which we express what we want and feel, with them kiss and make gestures of sweetness or disapproval, allow us to gesticulate emotions and feelings. There are many ways to keep them healthy and beautiful, these tips will help you accentuate their appeal and to avoid and prevent some of their most frequent problems.

Dry lips

The lips have very thin and sensitive skin, which sometimes tends to dry out or crack with dry or cold weather. To prevent this or help to regain your fresh lips, it is necessary to follow these tips:
  • Avoid sucking on your lips as the saliva dries. If you have this habit, it is best to try to avoid it. There are some very healthy ways to break habits unnecessary in this case could take a water bottle wherever you go and give small sips instead of licking with your tongue.
  • If it is cold or windy and you're going to go out, rub some aloe vera cream with a few drops of extra virgin olive oil over your lips.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water to prevent drying.
  • If they are cracked, it is best to gently spread some cucumber cream, royal jelly or aloe. It is important to check your diet because your skin may be lacking in some important as vitamin E or A. It could also be due to lack of folic acid, vitamin B2, B6 or B12. For this, you need to include in your diet green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, potatoes and yeast. Include in your diet foods rich in these vitamins such as carrots, papaya, olives, sesame, walnuts, peanuts, amaranth, etc.

Lips with cold sores

Canker or cold sores can be corrected naturally with simple tips. If you have sores in the mouth, it is best not apply ointments or medications or pharmacy for all this chlorine irritates the skin and also makes your defense system weakens, and that healing is through artificial irritation perhaps remove the wound but does not serve the body that recovers by itself, so the time could come more and need more and stronger medications. If you really want to eradicate this condition follow these tips:
  • Include in your diet foods high in vitamin C and E. Eliminate or avoid the most of the white sugar and derivatives are only helping to proliferate infections.
  • Prepare one liter of pure water with two tablespoons of chlorophyll and the juice of half a lemon. Drink at least 2 liters of water during the day.
  • Take a fresh garlic clove fasting, garlic is an excellent bactericide, to help combat the problem and strengthen your defense system.
  • To help it dry faster and prevent outbreaks departing else, put it on the boil orange peels or lemon, or bits of fresh garlic in a poultice. Leave them there as long as you can. Maybe burn a little, but this solution is truly a marvel.

Flakes on the lips

For this, you just have to keep your lips well lubricated and nourished. In addition to maintaining a healthy diet and drinking enough water, you need to rub vitamin E rich oil such as almond, jojoba or olive whenever you feel flakes. Avoid pulling them so your skin does not hurt.

Beauty Tips:

  • In fact, if you maintain good nutrition and hydration, your lips won’t need more care. In fact, should be spread only once in a while a good moisturizer and makeup to avoid lip may be of poor quality or toxic.
  • If you will be exposed much time in the sun, use sunscreen on your lips.
  • The lips: The lips of Angelina Jolie became fashionable, and there are now some beauty products that, through irritating your lips, help these look red. Actually, I do not think this is a good alternative, it is healthier, if you want this look, trying to hide with a lipstick outlining the contour of your lips, gently breaking the part that delimits.
  • And finally, if you want to make your lips more attractive, try to express them honesty and trust in what you are, when talking about speaking with soft words and gentle but clear, direct and firm, and do not forget to give a smile whenever possible.