Popcorn is one of the healthiest foods anyone can eat. It has large
amount of calories, protein, minerals and vitamins… and all-around food.
For centuries corn has been basic in diets of many civilizations
because it abundantly provides so many different nutrients. Today it
still is among leading foods health-giving qualities. We all strive for a
balanced diet of healthful foods, which taste good. There are few
children or grown-ups who do not like the salty, tantalizing taste of
hot, well-seasoned popcorn. Yet, of the millions who buy popcorn most do
not know they are eating a highly nutritious food. Perhaps this has
been a factor in popcorn's tremendous popularity. Here is a sociable
snack, which can be offered to old and young with complete assurance
that it will supply the body with valuable nutrients and will in no way,
harm the teeth.
• Of all the snacks a child can eat at school, popcorn is by far the healthiest. It builds bone, muscle, tissue, aids digestion, and is good for the teeth. Here's why:
• Teeth are composed chiefly of calcium and phosphorous. Both are dissolved…that is, eaten away…by a certain kind of acid, which is formed in the mouth by the action of bacteria on sugar. Thus anything containing sugar produced this acid which attacks the immediately. ‘Acids causing tooth decay form in the mouth from the use of sweetened foods, soft drinks, chewing gum, or other confections.
• Brushing teeth immediately after consuming sweets reduces the harmful effects, but how can children brush their teeth at school? Much better to offer them something that does not require brushing teeth after eating, something like fresh, hot popcorn not having the bad effects of candy and soft drinks. ‘Eat an adequate amount of the protective foods such as milk, fruits and vegetables, eggs, meat, whole grain cereals, and bread. If children are hungry between meals, they should have fruit juices, fresh fruits, unsweetened dried fruits, nuts, popcorn, whole grain cereals, milk, cheese, instead of candy, gum, pop, or other sweet food.' In additional to this remember that popcorn contributes to good teeth is still another way. The calcium and phosphorous in popcorn supplies the human system with appreciable quantities of valuable minerals which build teeth
• Of all the snacks a child can eat at school, popcorn is by far the healthiest. It builds bone, muscle, tissue, aids digestion, and is good for the teeth. Here's why:
• Teeth are composed chiefly of calcium and phosphorous. Both are dissolved…that is, eaten away…by a certain kind of acid, which is formed in the mouth by the action of bacteria on sugar. Thus anything containing sugar produced this acid which attacks the immediately. ‘Acids causing tooth decay form in the mouth from the use of sweetened foods, soft drinks, chewing gum, or other confections.
• Brushing teeth immediately after consuming sweets reduces the harmful effects, but how can children brush their teeth at school? Much better to offer them something that does not require brushing teeth after eating, something like fresh, hot popcorn not having the bad effects of candy and soft drinks. ‘Eat an adequate amount of the protective foods such as milk, fruits and vegetables, eggs, meat, whole grain cereals, and bread. If children are hungry between meals, they should have fruit juices, fresh fruits, unsweetened dried fruits, nuts, popcorn, whole grain cereals, milk, cheese, instead of candy, gum, pop, or other sweet food.' In additional to this remember that popcorn contributes to good teeth is still another way. The calcium and phosphorous in popcorn supplies the human system with appreciable quantities of valuable minerals which build teeth
In addition to its generous quantities of calories, protein, minerals
and vitamins, popcorn supplies roughage and bulk. The roughage in
popcorn beneficially exercises teeth and gums, a function not performed
by soft foods. According to medical authorities, it also stimulates the
flow of saliva and gastro-intestinal digestive movements. The bulk
supplied by popcorn within the intestinal canal exerts mechanical
stimulation of the motor machinery of the surrounding walls. For
indigestion and ills that arise from over-eating, gas, etc., popcorn has
always been a standard aid.
*One of the outstanding qualities of popcorn as a nutritious food is the abundance of essential minerals found in it. Three ounces of popcorn will supply a growing boy or girl with more than one-third of his or her daily requirement of phosphorous and one-fifth of the daily iron requirement…popcorn furnishes the human body with 2.7 milligrams of iron per 100grams of popcorn (edible portion). That is more than eggs, roast beef, peanuts, codfish, or milk, and is just short of spinach, which has 3.0 milligrams. Truly remarkable! With 281 milligrams of phosphorous per 100grams, popcorn is far ahead of eggs, beef, codfish, and spinach, and not too far behind liver and peanuts…Popcorn also supplies calcium…not so much as milk, the greatest of all calcium producers, but still more than man other producers, but still more than many other foods… The red corpuscles of the blood must have iron, and teeth and bones must phosphorous and calcium. Popcorn is a great source of these minerals. | IRON
*Children need large supplies of calories in a balanced diet for their active bodies. Many foods supply calories in abundance…meat, eggs, cheese, and bread. But among the very best suppliers is popcorn! It has 404 calories per 100 grams (edible portion). That is more than any cooked meat or fish (except very fat meats), more than all vegetable, fruits, breads, cakes, table beverages, and cheese (except Swiss). Of 1281 edible foods listed, popcorn is shown to have more calories than 1123 of the foods listed…A boy of high school age requires up to 3200 calories a day. Three ounces of popcorn will supply 343 calories, which is more than an equivalent serving of roast beef. |
Popcorn……………………...……. 404 Bananas……………………...…….
Bread, rye…………………….…… 263 Cabbage…………………….……… 29 Cheese, cheddar……...………….. 368 Chicken…………………………….. 194 Codfish……………………...……... 70 Kidney, veal…………….....…….. 115 Oatmeal, cooked ………...……... 64 Peas………………….................. 101 Potatoes………….............…….. 85 Salmon………………….....…….... 169 Sausage………………....………... 446 Sweet breads………....………….. 493 Veal loin chops…………….………. 176
(Chart compares popcorn with other foods in milligrams of iron per 3 ½ oz serving)
*The human body is forever building. It builds during youth when limbs and frame grow larger. After maturity, it rebuilds, replacing its worn-out tissues with new…To do this vastly important work, the body must have proteins to feed nitrogen to the cells. Proteins are not stored by the body, but must be supplied every day. Meats are excellent daily suppliers of proteins. So is popcorn. Three ounces will supply one-sixth of the daily requirement. This is not quite so good as meat but better than vegetables, bread, candy, milk, oatmeal, soups and many other foods. The bar charts at the right show how popcorn ranks as a high-protein food, entirely suitable in the diet of a growing boy or girl…Nutritionist say there is safety in a variety of foods. Eating popcorn is good way to vary a diet because it contains many valuable nutrients. |
Popcorn……………………….………………... 12.7
Beans, snap……………………….....………… 2.4 beef, roast…………………………..…………. 18.9 Bread, white……………………………………. 8.5 Butter…………………………….......………… 0.6 Codfish……...………………………………….. 16.5 Ham, smoked………………………………..… 16.9 Milk……………………..........………………… 3.5 Oatmeal, cooked…………......………………. 2.3 Puffed rice…………………....……………….. 6.7 Rolls…………………………….........………… 8.2 Salad dressing……………………….......…… 1.1 Sausage…………………………..…………….. 11.3 Soups…………………………….......………… 4.3 Sweet potatoes………………….....………… 1.8
(Chart compares popcorn with other foods in milligrams of iron per 3 ½ oz serving)
*The body does not manufacture
vitamins for its own use. Therefore they must be furnished from outside
sources. Popcorn is a good source. Three ounces of popcorn will furnish
about one-fifth of the daily requirement of thiamine (Vitamin B1).
Thiamine is needed to maintain good appetite and normal digestion and to
keep the nervous system functioning normally. Popcorn also contributes
to the body's supply of riboflavin (Vitamin B2) and niacin (formerly
called nicotinic acid). Riboflavin is necessary for the body's cells.
Niacin prevents pellagra and keeps the skin in good condition. In its
supply of riboflavin and niacin, popcorn is ahead of beans, cabbage,
oatmeal, and many other foods. Popcorn lacks Vitamin A and C (ascorbic
acid). These are thought to be destroyed by the necessarily high popping
heat, since sweet corn contains appreciable quantities of Vitamins A
and C. |
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