
Monday, August 26, 2013


Fresh air is made up of a number of different gases. Oxygen and nitrogen are the most abundant ones.

Did you know that your body is made up of trillions of cells?

Each of those tiny cells needs a constant supply of oxygen in order to live. We can only live for a few minutes without air.

And the Lord God formed man out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7

After you take in air through your lungs, your red blood cells pick up the oxygen and carry it to the rest of the cells in your body.

Your cells then use this steady supply of oxygen in its energy production process called metabolism.

Fresh air is important for your health and wellbeing.

If your cells get enough oxygen they will be healthy. Healthy cells make up a healthy body.

Every time you breathe out through your lungs, you let out toxins.

These wastes are the by-products of the metabolism that is constantly taking place in your cells.

If you are always taking in old, stale air you are depriving your cells of one of their most basic needs.

This is harmful to your overall health and well-being. It is so important to replace old, stale air with fresh, clean air.
Why is Fresh Air so Important?

A steady supply of fresh air is very important. Fresh air provides you with a steady supply of oxygen which is needed by your brain and every single cell of your body.

If you stay in a closed in area for a long period of time, you will end up breathing in the same air over and over again. The oxygen content of the air will go down continually as you (and whoever else happens to be in the room with you) breathe out carbon dioxide and other wastes.

Breathing this stale air will not supply your body with enough oxygen to keep your cells fueled and functioning properly.

Fresh air is full of negative ions. It has a good amount of oxygen and is free of pollutants. It is refreshing and will give you a lift!

Oxygen typically carries a negative charge, while carbon dioxide has a positive charge. Therefore, air with a higher concentration of oxygen will be more negatively charged (i.e., have more negative ions) than air with an abundance of carbon dioxide.
You can find air that is charged with negative ions out in nature where it is produced:

The freshest air is outdoor air in nature.

Around plants, trees and other vegetation
Near moving water - lakes, rivers, waterfalls, oceans, at the beach
In sunlight
After thunderstorms - Ever noticed how fresh the air seems after the rain?

Benefits of Fresh Air

Who needs fresh air? We all do!

If you are feeling ill or are suffering from any kind of disease, then fresh air is even more important for you.

While your body is healing and repairing, you may be eliminating more toxins into the air than someone who does not have any health concerns. It is important that you do not breathe in that old air again.

You need an abundance of fresh air that is full of oxygen.
Here is a list of just some of the many health benefits of fresh air. Fresh air:

Helps increase the rate and quality of growth in both plants and animals
Helps the airways of your lungs to dilate more fully and improves the cleansing action of your lungs
Helps to improve your heart rate, blood pressure, and metabolic rate
Helps your immune system fight off disease more effectively
Soothes your nerves. It will leave you feeling more refreshed and relaxed
Will stimulate your appetite and will help your food to digest more effectively. That is why it's great to take a brisk walk outside after you eat
Will help you sleep more soundly at night
Helps to clear your mind, improves your concentration, and helps you to think more clearly
Alters your brain levels of serotonin which helps to improve your mood and promote a sense of happiness and well-being
Helps your body get rid of accumulated impurities
Provides enough oxygen for cellular metabolism
Helps to kill bacteria and viruses in the air thanks to its rich oxygen content. Polluted air cannot do this
Strengthens your immune system by supplying it with the oxygen it needs. White blood cells require more oxygen when working to kill and destroy bacteria, viruses, and germs. Enough oxygen will ensure that they are able to function properly

Indoor Air Pollution and Air Quality

If you live in a home or work in an office building that is air tight, you may not be getting enough fresh air.

There is less of a chance that indoor air and outdoor air is being exchanged on a regular basis.

The air is stale and over time toxic chemicals from carpets, furniture, and cleaning products can build up. This can lead to sick building syndrome for some people.
What Happens When You Breathe Stale Air?

If you are breathing in stale air, you might have started to notice some of the following symptoms:

Fatigue and exhaustion
Frequent fevers, colds, or lung diseases

Tips For Getting A Healthy Dose Of Fresh Air

Follow these tips to make sure you get a healthy dose of fresh air every single day.

While on your breaks at work, step outside and take some slow, deep breaths. This will banish that tired, sluggish feeling and will leave you feeling more energized and focused.
Open your windows regularly and air out your house as often as you can. If there happens to be a smog warning in effect, wait until later on at night or very early in the morning when the air is a lot cleaner.
If you can, sleep with your bedroom window open. You can also leave your bedroom door open to increase the transfer of air
Do not smoke in your home and do not allow other family members or guests to smoke in your home either. Even second hand smoke contains hundreds of harmful chemicals.
Avoid breathing in car exhaust. Do not allow cars to idle near your windows or in the garage attached to your house
Try not to stay in stuffy rooms for long periods of time.
Make sure that your clothes dryers, gas cooking ranges, heaters, and fireplaces are properly vented to the outdoors.
Be sure to maintain your heating and air-conditioning units on a regular basis.
Get your air ducts and furnace filters cleaned regularly.
Do some deep breathing exercises every day. Work them into your regular routine.
Get some exercise on a daily basis. When you can, try to exercise outside. Exercise gets your circulation going and floods your body with oxygen.
Don't forget about your posture. Always try to sit up straight and stand tall to allow your lungs to expand. That will help you take in enough oxygen.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows you to breathe deeply and freely without being restricted. Try not to wear clothes that are tight around your chest or abdomen.
Avoid using air fresheners, and other artificial fragrances in your home. Use natural alternatives instead. Pure essential oils are a great choice. Or you can put some cinnamon and cloves in a pot with water and let it simmer for a few minutes.
Keep plants in your home and work environment to help improve the air quality. Plants produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide from the air. Some plants can even remove toxic pollutants from the air.

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